Build Your Security Culture

Cybersecurity Platform

Avoca’s cybersecurity platform empowers your team to swiftly establish policies, controls, and their monitoring. Ideal for small businesses, it provides robust security without the hefty annual audit expenses and overhead associated with SOC2 and ISO 27001 compliance.


Win enterprise sales with provable security

Customer Trust Center

As your business grows, securing enterprise clients is crucial for sustained success. These clients often require comprehensive security evaluations before making procurement decisions. Avoca’s Trust Center simplifies the security review process, boosting efficiency and fostering greater customer trust in your service.


Virtual Chief Information Security Officer

On-Demand CISO Consultation

Our certified security experts, holding CISSP and CISM credentials, provide personalized security advice to protect your business and customers. Click to Schedule a Consult with our experts today.



Affordable Penetration Tests for your Small Business

Our certified security experts, with CISSP and CISM credentials, offer cost-effective penetration tests to secure your product and earn your customers’ trust. Click to schedule your Pen Test now.


SOC2 Preparation

Prep for a SOC2 Audit

We help your team get ready for an upcoming SOC2 audit by assisting with risk mitigation, vendor selection, crafting security policies, application re-architecture, and setting up necessary controls for a stress-free audit. Click to Discuss Your Requirements with us today.

Secure Your Future with Avoca

Start protecting your business today. Schedule a consultation with our experts and transform your security posture!